Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2 new possibilities

Went back to the doctor this afternoon.  She went over my blood work results, EKG, and spirometry (lung function).  Everything in my blood work looks great, except my vitamin D levels.  There's a small possibility that is related, so she said I should start taking 5000IU of D3 daily.  I picked some up on the way home.  Need to do a quick search to see if it's better to take that at night or in the morning.
The lung function came back as severely obstructed.  The print out says my lungs are like that of a 78 year old!  I've never smoked, but 2 of my brothers have asthma.  I have had problems on and off with breathing while playing soccer and breathing in real cold weather.  So maybe there's something wrong and perhaps I'm not getting enough oxygen.  It would fit, since I yawn a lot and I could see being more tired if I'm unknowingly struggling to breath.  So she gave me samples of an inhaler and I'm to take 2 inhales twice a day for 3 weeks.  I got back 3/27 and we'll see if things have improved at all.  I'm hoping that this will fix it all, but we shall see.

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