Tuesday, June 19, 2012


It's back, and it's back with avengance.  The postural hypotension has been particularly bad lately too, like nearly every time I get up.  Doesn't matter if I'm going from sitting to standing or lying to standing either.  Just massive dizziness and near black-outs.  And of course that just settles back into the general vague dizziness I've been feeling all day lately.  I just counted and I've seen 9 different doctors in the past 4 years, 9!!  And not one found a single thing that could explain the dizziness.

I've made massive changes to diet, eliminating grains and eating fairly low carb.  Yet that hasn't made a difference.  I've been taking vit D3 5k IU for several months now and that's not helping.  Although I hope it and massive sun exposure is at least helping my paltry vit D levels found in Feb.  The past 2 weeks I added in magnesium at bed and my prenatals and B complex with breakfast.  But this darn exhaustion and dizziness just won't budge.  I'm not interested in seeing more doctors just to be told they can't find anything.  But I just can't live like this anymore.  And nobody around me understands just what's going on.  It's the best I can do to just make it through the day at this point.  I'm not losing weight any more and don't have the energy to exercise.  A walk around the neighborhood is exhausting. 

I just want my life and my energy back and this dizziness to be gone.  Is that too much to ask?

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

2 new possibilities

Went back to the doctor this afternoon.  She went over my blood work results, EKG, and spirometry (lung function).  Everything in my blood work looks great, except my vitamin D levels.  There's a small possibility that is related, so she said I should start taking 5000IU of D3 daily.  I picked some up on the way home.  Need to do a quick search to see if it's better to take that at night or in the morning.
The lung function came back as severely obstructed.  The print out says my lungs are like that of a 78 year old!  I've never smoked, but 2 of my brothers have asthma.  I have had problems on and off with breathing while playing soccer and breathing in real cold weather.  So maybe there's something wrong and perhaps I'm not getting enough oxygen.  It would fit, since I yawn a lot and I could see being more tired if I'm unknowingly struggling to breath.  So she gave me samples of an inhaler and I'm to take 2 inhales twice a day for 3 weeks.  I got back 3/27 and we'll see if things have improved at all.  I'm hoping that this will fix it all, but we shall see.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Heading Back

Heading back to the doctor tomorrow.  This latest cluster of bad days is still with me.  So we're on day 12 with no end in site.  Starting to affect my mood and I find myself exhausted pretty early each night.  Got all my bood work back online and everything looks good.  It's really nice to actually see my results and be able to sit and look at them, as well as research a little what the numbers mean.  Vitamin D is low, but that shouldn't cause dizziness.  So I'm going to ask about my back tomorrow.  Taking in all of my previous scans and she's going to have a neuroradiologist look over all of them.

Weaning James is not going well.  We are down to 3x/day, but those are now all long, ~10 minute nursing sessions.  And they are in the morning, at nap time, and right before bed.  I have no idea which one I would even start to cut first.  So hopefully we choose a different path to investigate before going that route.  I had planned for him to be done at 2, I hope he'll be ready by then.

Here's hoping that we can find something tomorrow, because this is getting bad.  Carolyn will be 4 in less than 6 weeks.  That means I have been dealing with being dizzy for about 4.5 years if we count the dizziness I had while pregnant.  There has to be some sort of explanation!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Horrible day...

And it's only 9:15!  When I got out of bed, I almost fell over.  I grabbed the wall to steady myself, used the sink to get to the bathroom and then back to bed.  I felt like I was on a boat while James nursed (Jon gets him from the crib).  Haven't felt right all morning.  I just wanted to be sure and note this in here. 

Hoping driving to Carolyn's soccer goes okay!  Eating breakfast didn't seem to help, I don't know what's up.  I'm hoping this will decrease as the day goes on.  About time to leave now, here goes nothing.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Here we go again

Went to a new doctor this morning.  Spent 1.5hrs in the office, actually with a doctor or nurse for at least 75 minutes of that time.  Felt I was listened to.  I took a list of tests that have been run with me and they asked some questions about them.  The PA said she's not sure if they can help me since the other specialists couldn't find anything.  But she's going to try.
After taking my history, they did an EKG, lung capacity test and drew some blood.  EKG was, surprise, normal.  Blood work will be the standard stuff, a thyroid panel, and check some hormones.  I am to bring the CDs of all my scans to my next appointment along with the reports.  So will have to get over to the hospital before next Tuesday. 
She suggested I start weaning, so that they can check if it's a prolactin tumor issue, something related to the pituitary gland.  I was planning to start 3/1 anyway, so that's fine.  Now to spend the next couple times figuring out how many times a day James is currently nursing so I can figure out how to cut down.
If she's unable to figure anything out, she mentioned going to the Mayo Clinic.  So there's that option there at the end of the road.  We'll see what the next few weeks bring.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Bad night

So it's been a while since I wrote, I've just kind of accepted this as normal.  But I recently found out that there are others out there battling these same issues and coming across this blog.  I can't believe it's been almost 3.5 years since I started seeing doctors!  And I remembered the dizziness while pregnant as well, so about 4.5 years with symptoms. 
I haven't been to any doctors lately in regards to this.  The recent MRA didn't show anything new.  The neuro I saw (new one) suggested I take dramamine (or the equivalent).  It made things WORSE, so I didn't do that for long.  I decided just to live with it, hoping that once James is weaned (June 1), my body will settle down.
I have removed wheat from my diet and I was hoping that this would solve it.  But tonight has been a rough night.  I fought through getting my work done.  But I will probably head to bed early, after I finish everything else of course.  I don't use caffeine, never liked coffee or coke much.  I have been eating super healthy.  One thing I think I might try is to get more salt into my diet.  Apparently when going low carb this can be an issue.  I don't think it's related, but who knows.  If I'm not feeling better by the end of the summer, I'm going to go see a new doctor.  I heard of one in the area that suggests things other than meds, really looks at everything.  So we'll give that a try if need be.  I'm not really sure what life was like without worrying about dizziness.